
  • Ísis Assis Braga
  • João Marcelo Carvalho do Carmo
  • Karla Irigaray Nogueira Borges
  • Alice Caroline da Silva Rocha
  • Isadora Gomes Nogueira
  • Amanda Noéli da Silva Campos
  • Dirceu Guilherme de Souza Ramos
  • Daniel Moura de Aguiar
  • Raiany Borges Duarte



Cats, Imunossupression, Seropositive, Toxoplasmosis, Zoonosis


Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolitan disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate protozoan that affects endothermic animals, including man. Being a zoonosis that can cause abortions, fetal malformations and blindness. Cats are the definitive hosts, acting as a source of dissemination. In order to collect epidemiological data on the distribution of T. gondii in Mineiros, Goiás, samples of domestic cats were analyzed to verify the circulation of the protozoan and reinforce preventive measures. Ninety-four samples of domestic cats, regardless of gender, age and breed, were randomly processed in the neighborhoods of Mineiros, Goiás. They were submitted to the indirect fluorescent antibody test for antibodies against T. gondii, using tachyzoites as antigens and anti-cat IgG conjugate (1:16 were positive). Of the 94 samples analyzed, 35 (37.2%) were reagents, of which four had a titration of 1:16, ten of 1:32, eleven of 1:64, eight of 1:128 and two of 1:256. All cats were semi-domiciled, but lifestyle and diet were not assessed. T. gondii infection is rarely symptomatic and the severity depends on the pathophysiological state. Brazil has high prevalence rates and requires effective care in the management of cats. In Mineiros, 29 reports of infected pregnant women were identified. Although infection in humans occurs primarily through consumption of undercooked meat, ingestion of oocysts in feces of cats is a possibility. Therefore, state public health institutions and veterinarians should promote health education, highlighting food hygiene. Since, when symptomatic, the disease presents severe clinical conditions and, in some cases, irreversible.


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Como Citar

BRAGA, Ísis Assis; DO CARMO, João Marcelo Carvalho; BORGES, Karla Irigaray Nogueira; ROCHA, Alice Caroline da Silva; NOGUEIRA, Isadora Gomes; CAMPOS, Amanda Noéli da Silva; RAMOS, Dirceu Guilherme de Souza; AGUIAR, Daniel Moura de; DUARTE, Raiany Borges. TOXOPLASMA GONDII EXPOSURE IN FELINES: AN ALARMING FACTOR TO PUBLIC HEALTH FROM MINEIROS, GOIÁS. Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde da UNIPAR, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 7, p. 3596–3603, 2023. DOI: 10.25110/arqsaude.v27i7.2023-022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 mar. 2025.


